martes, 21 de febrero de 2017



It is often claimed that leadership is decisive in order to determine whether an organisation is likely to achieve its aims or not. The texts proposed tackle the two major management approaches, namely the Affiliative Style and the Pacesetting Style. Whereas the former relies on group cohesion, so as to prevent staff from leaving the company,  those defending the latter advocate the pivotal role of authority to ensure effectiveness and productivity. 

One aspect to consider is motivation and satisfaction. As the first passage acknowledges, the Affiliative Leader succeeds in establishing healthy relationships among employees, whose happiness is always given priority. Conversely, the pacesetter fails to respect the human factor, which may lead to workers feeling that their contributions are ignored. To my mind, were I to experience this hindrance to my development, it would undoubtedly be an upsetting situation.

Regarding independence and creativity, the Affiliative Style  results in lateral thinking and problem solving skills blossoming within the company. However, this strategy runs the risk of producing low productivity, which is perpetuated due to a  lack of feedback and corrective measures. In contrast, and according to the second text, the pacesetter is bound to train and oblige his or her staff to reach goals and meet deadlines, but, regrettably, at the expense of independence and employee resourcefulness. Arguably, the most optimus solution could be that which keeps a balance between both extremes.

In light of the above, it may be argued that, in order to attain an ideal human resources policy, not every single decision should be made by the board of directors. That said, it seems reasonable that employees should be provided with as much assessment and guidance as necessary. 

Jorge Sánchez López

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